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Thread #89730   Message #1698925
Posted By: Teribus
20-Mar-06 - 03:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is Mr Bush going into Iran?from SkarpiIc
Subject: RE: BS: Is Mr Bush going into Iran?from SkarpiIc
Little Hawk - 20 Mar 06 - 02:38 PM

"The Palestinians right now are almost powerless. They're full of malice, but they can't do much with it. Israel can invade a neighbour, smash its armies, and destroy its cities any time they decide to."

More complete and utter twaddle from Little Hawk.

The Palestinians right now Little Hawk are fighting amongst themselves in Gaza, that's how powerless they are. The reason for the stramash being that the former part time Palestinian Police and Members of the Security Services who moonlighted as Al Aqsa Brigade "heroes" under the guiding hand of that lying, thieving coniving prat, otherwise known as Tosser Arafat. Have been made redundant since the recent Hamas political victory. You see one gang of terrorist thugs doesn't want members of another gang of terrorist thugs joining the police force, irrespective of the magnificent service rendered by such stalwarts under the previous regime.

So LH, Israel can invade a neighbour, smash its armies, and destroy its cities any time they decide to, can they. To what purpose? The only time that they have ever done so in the past it was in the face of intolerable provocation (UN's summation LH not mine). In the instances that they have acted, they have generally been very circumspect with regard to causing civilian casualties. Little hint Little Hawk, for Israel to act the way you suggest, it has to be a Little War, no longer than three weeks. Now maybe either yourself or your pal Foolestroupe can explain why. I won't, in the vague hope that it may prompt either one or the other of you to do a bit of reading.