The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89103   Message #1699665
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
21-Mar-06 - 06:07 PM
Thread Name: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Subject: RE: BS: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
And good on you helping your sister's son, naemanson. Diarhea, eh? I've been called a lot of things in my life, but never that.. :-)

Funny how I got my name. My Parents wanted to name me Lars, after my Grandfather. Now, that would have been a cool name. I bet it doesn't mean diarhea in any language.. But, my oldest sister had a terrible crush on a boy in our neighborhood named Jerry and she bugged my parents so mercilessly that they finally relented and named me Jerry. Of course, the romance between my older sister and the love of her life faded. She was only five years old at the time..

My son Pasha started calling me Jeremiah, the Old Prophet not long after he first met me. Now, Jeremiah sounds a lot more dignified. Than diarhea.

Lars (Don't I wish)