The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89835   Message #1699719
Posted By: Bat Goddess
21-Mar-06 - 07:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Menopause
Subject: RE: BS: Menopause
The most aggravating part of perimenopause and menopause was not knowing if I'd ever be able to wear white pants again.

But I never had hot flashes or mood swings.

And it was a GREAT relief not only not to have periods any more but to not have the "raging hormonal unbalance" migraines that went along with them.

I suggest eating a lot of tofu and other soy products (I snack on tofu right out of the brine like cheese). Might help -- won't hurt. HRT for too long can cause problems (like my mother's breast cancer -- she'd been on HRT for 30 years which is ridiculous).

Attitude can make a major difference. Just remember that it's your body shifting gears. If there's a symptom upsetting your life's balance right now, find something that will smooth it out. Eventually the hormonal unbalance evens itself out.

It's sort of like going through puberty backwards.
