The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89831   Message #1699836
Posted By: Little Hawk
21-Mar-06 - 10:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Arrogant Americans on ebay
Subject: RE: BS: Arrogant Americans on ebay
Here's another way to get rid of hard to dispose of items. Put them in an old purse or a cruddy old suitcase you don't need, preferably a locked one, and "accidentally" leave it sitting by the bus stop or the park bench in any major city for just a few minutes. It will usually disappear as if by magic! I heard about a man who got rid of his dead dog in this fashion, not wanting to pay a vet some outrageous fee to do it for him. (he lived in a highrise apartment, so he couldn't bury the dog in the back yard)

A handy way to get rid of Jehovah's Witness books or something else unsaleable like that (the used bookstore won't take them...) is this: Drop them in a downtown mailbox. Where they go from there is hard to say, but you won't see them again. Don't do this too often at the same location, however, because the post office may become suspicious of your activities if you do.

You can also drop them into the return slot at the public library, afterhours! I particularly love doing this with books that are simply 100% impossible to sell...but you don't want to just throw them out because that would be wasteful, and waste is immoral! ;-D