The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89103   Message #1699996
Posted By: Ron Davies
22-Mar-06 - 06:33 AM
Thread Name: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Subject: RE: BS: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Jerry--I didn't mean to be presumptous. I just look for humor everywhere--and therefore find it. I love puns and other wordplay. I suppose that's why the copycat threads these days don't bother me at all--they're often based on puns, misstypings and other wordgames.

I suppose this also illustrates two possible hazards of the Internet. At a real kitchen table, typing wouldn't be important since you would have pronounced the word. Also, at a real table, you would be able to see that I was kidding from my expression. I just felt that we were informal enough so I could venture that facetious remark. Probably shouldn't have--but I'm glad you took it in the right (joshing) spirit. I was picturing a possible Far Side cartoon in which a guy was telling some others now they would get their just desert--and pointing out into a waterless waste.

Oh well, I should learn to restrain myself. It ain't easy.