The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12   Message #17
Posted By:
03-Oct-96 - 08:14 PM
Thread Name: Tune Req: Calliope House
Subject: info on Caliope House
Looking to find score for song/tune called Caliope House. Spelling may be off abit. Also looking for a tune called Ross's Reel. I found a Ross's Reel in M.M. Cole's, but wonder if there is another out there. These tunes are being played on Hammered Dulcimer in & around midwest. I have "Music Time" so can use either a digital(midi) copy or a scanned copy of sheet music.

A great big pre-thankyou for anyone who can help.

You may reply here, or e-mail me direct -- Thanks again,

Lucy Anderberg Hammered & Noters Dulcimer Society, Inc. (aka: H.A.N.D.S.) Loc. Northern Illinois