The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89725   Message #1700012
Posted By: Purple Foxx
22-Mar-06 - 06:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Reenactors vs. Mere Loonies
Subject: RE: BS: Reenactors vs. Mere Loonies
BTW - Are the "Horrible Histories" series of books by Terry Deary available in the U.S.?
These are a humorous though factually accurate series of history books told partially in comic book style which present their subject matter in a way which makes it interesting to children.
That is with all the gory & scatalogical stuff left in.
They also contain period riddles, games,rhymes,recipes etc.
In addition to which there is often information on how to "get the look" on period costumes.
Many adults (myself included) adore these books.
They are well worth looking out for.