The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89208   Message #1700696
Posted By: Little Hawk
23-Mar-06 - 01:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: zodiac/star signs.. do you believe?
Subject: RE: BS: zodiac/star signs.. do you believe?
Yonder comes the "proof" brigade...doo-da, doo-da
Yonder comes the "proof" brigade...oh, doo-da, day!

My, such seeeeeerious people. Will they ever find proof of any of those mysterious things that gullible New Agers, mystics, romantics, poets, and religious people believe in? One wonders, yes, one wonders.

Aliens, reincarnation, "God", the soul, angels, the zodiac, miracles of all much to keep the proof brigade arguing and objecting to things they are sceptical of. Love, telepathy, psychic healing...STOP! in the name of the proof brigade!!! Put down that wand, recant from thy unscientific and unsubstantiated beliefs, lest we bury thee under a barrage of logical objections and quotes from science journals that can bore the balls off a Cape Buffalo. Avaunt ye pagan wretches! Thou shalt be henceforth banished from the world of scientific rationality and made to wander as a wretch in the unproven wilderness, scorned and spat upon by engineers, M.D.s, accountants, sex therapists, and other representatives of the sacred order of empirical PROOF!

Oh yeah. If it can't be PROVEN it isn't real, and it isn't worth talking about or believing in, and we will harass you until you stop talking about it and believing in it. Such things shall not be tolerated nor allowed to be simply enjoyed by anyone, because the world must be as the Proof Brigade says it is and that's all there is to it. We have the AMA and CalTech on our side, so don't mess with us.