The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89950   Message #1700720
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
23-Mar-06 - 03:33 AM
Thread Name: When is it time to leave a band?
Subject: RE: When is it time to leave a band?

|I disagree with everybody on this one.

Every gig I do, theres always someone who looks wistfully at your guitar abnd tells you they 'once in a group'.

the thing is you reaslly do make quite an investment (sometimes financially, but always spiritually) in these ventures. And when you leave, you undersestimate the parturition (is that the word) pains. A lot of people after a day or two, find that they simply can't face building all that up again, and they never put themselves on the line ever again.   And they wind up looking wistfully at your gear after a gig.

This situation is made ten times worse, by the wilfullness of some people, the cavalier nastiness of others, the professional leavers who build groups up and never see a project through, the tendency of talented people to be complete Judy Garland said I could go on singing til the cows come home, you all know the song.

My advice for what its worth is.....if the music is happening and people like it, stick with it. You might look a long time before you get that mix right again. Look at all the great bands.... none of them are peopled by angels. All the best bands fight with each other onstage..... the who, the stones, the beatles, the beach boys.

don't be Pete Best or Staurt Sutcliff, not while theres a chance you might get to be John Lennon.