The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89208   Message #1700925
Posted By: Bunnahabhain
23-Mar-06 - 08:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: zodiac/star signs.. do you believe?
Subject: RE: BS: zodiac/star signs.. do you believe?
Well I thought I was part of the truth brigade, but clearly I'm not. I only care if their supestitions and beliefs cause probelems for the outside world

I really don't care if people choose to believe in God(s), Horoscopes, or that Microsoft is really a huge conspiricy to drive the world mad, so long as they don't let their beliefs get in the way of other people trying to deal with the verifiable world.

If, due to concern over her soul, a 13 year old girl is prevented from having an abortion, then it may be good for her in the next life, but is unlikely to be good for in this one.

Evolution happens, but many people choose to deny this as it does not fit with their unverfiable belief. How do you get them to finish their course of anti-biotics? They stop taking them when they feel well, and they've just created a new Anti-biotic resistant strain. Now, thanks to them, I can't be cured when I catch it.

People can talk all they like about their beliefs and values, but when they start to impose them on others, as they 'know' it's true, then we have a problem.
Nobody feels the need to impose Gravity on everyone else. It's true, we feel it, and can measure it. Love also, we know is true, and we can feel it. It can't be measured, but we know it's there.