The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89973   Message #1702071
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
24-Mar-06 - 05:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: More liberal bias in the news
Subject: RE: BS: More liberal bias in the news
I worked in a newsroom of a cable network for 12 years - encompassing Bush Sr. and Clinton administrations, and the start of Juniors administration. I can tell you that the "bias" that was supposedly exhibited in that old e-mail just isn't there. If any idiot reads anything more into that e-mail, well, they are simply idiots. Fact.

If for one minute you think that ANY public figure is not subjected to jokes or comments behind the scenes in a newsroom environment, you are wrong.   Regardless of their political affliations, they are skewered when they deserve it.   However, once the camera is on, the story is told as truthfully as possible.   Not once did I see a story manipulated to underscore or overexaggerate the truth.

Now, that does not mean that the "talk" shows follow the same credo. Different set of rules.

Also, I never worked at Fox News so I can't speak for them. Nor would I ever want to.