The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89974   Message #1702266
Posted By: Bobert
24-Mar-06 - 08:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: whiney conservatives confident liberals
Subject: RE: BS: whiney conservatives confident liberals
In reply to RL's invitation to debate the isssue: What issue???

I mean let's get real here... What exactly is "the issue"???

And just as a sidebar, RL and others, if there are real issues I'd be more than happy to debate them... I was challenged several months ago by a RL allie (perhaps even RL him or herself) to debate an issue and even allowed the RL allie to pick an issue.... They picked my criticsm of the Bush administration's handling of Katrina.... So I made my arguments, never had one single high school deabating level rebuttals but I sho nuff got called names and hadf labels pinned on me...

But that's really not the issue here... And I think maybe I can offer some halp to RL here with this suggestion. If yopu wnat to discuss issues ***don't*** use the "L" word in yer thread title... It has become a lightning rod word... Why? Well, that perhaps would make for an interesting thread... But, bottom line, using it in a thread title isn't going to promote dicusssion or even debate but division...

But, IMO, RL knows that and uses it just to poke at folks because pokin' sho nuff is easier than having to really discuss real issues and policies and ideas...

Which, I guess, takes us back to Webster's definitions...
