The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90019   Message #1703483
Posted By: LilyFestre
26-Mar-06 - 08:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: National Animal Identification System
Subject: RE: BS: National Animal Identification System

    I have a small farm and my neighbors are small farmers. We are not part of the large giant farms where the majority of the food purchased comes from. I think it is RIDICULOUS that MY laying hens would need to be tagged and registered. Those eggs are for my family's consumption or for a few friends. We don't sell them to anyone. Do you have a pond? Would you like to try to tag all your fish? What about when your pig gets out and you haven't given the required notice about livestock leaving your property? There are an endless number of combinations to show how this doesn't make sense. If you want to see it as alarmist, hey, that's your business. If this does come about, let's hope you aren't the first one in line bitching about how much it cost to tag your small flock of chickens or turkeys or about the larger cost of microchipping your cows or pigs.

Microchipping your cat or dog is for identification purposes in case they get lost. It is a personal choice. NAIS won't be a choice nor will it be required of the large conglomerate farms that raise and sell their livestock to all the major slaughter houses. Tell me how THAT makes sense when inquiring about safety requirements.
