The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89677   Message #1704907
Posted By: Jeri
28-Mar-06 - 03:17 PM
Thread Name: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
I'm about to write a parody. If it ever gets onto the folkie charts (somebody in BFE records it on a cheesy tape along with his version of a few show tunes, loses it, it's found by hungry wolves, one of which swallows it, and a guy doing a documentary on wolves finds it in a pile of wolf poop, cleans it off to see what it is, plays 3 seconds of it before flinging it into the trash where a homeless guy looking for leftovers finds it and trades it to a guy for his tunafish sandwich, and the guy turns out to be a folk DJ who is doing a show on "Songs From the Street," and he plays it. Once. But then some guy from Podunk NJ who taped the show records it on a cheesy tape along with his version of Andrew Lloyd Webber's greatest hits, and... ), I want to be the first to get the parody in.

Like, "Oh the wheel of cheese rolls on. You bite off bits until it's gone," or lemme see...rivers, roads, wheels...uh "Oh the helicopter" "Oh the bike of time rolls on. You do just fine 'till you hit the lawn"... Dammit, I'm back to wheels again. I'll work on it.

That was Amos's Munchin song, by the way.