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Thread #90082   Message #1705362
Posted By: GUEST
29-Mar-06 - 01:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: America's Most Distrusted Minority
Subject: RE: BS: America's Most Distrusted Minority
I'm surprised that the number of "Atheists" (3%) quoted was so high given the attempts of organized religions to brainwash (sunday school, church attendance with parents and even schools run by the churches themselves) every child from 5 to however long it took you to realize that it was a load of nonsense (In my case 14 years old!)
"You have to have FAITH, my son." was how my priest finally tried to convince me. After all that shit in your formative years, it is very difficult to realize that you don't believe the priests (or your parents). It is hard to be a free thinker and there are no support groups to help you rationalize this decision you have come to. I have also learned that it is better to keep your personal religious (or lack thereof) beliefs to yourself and not try to foist your views on anyone else. Unfortuneately, the religious don't try to do the same. I drink but George Bush has become dry and been spoken to by God. So has Pat Robertson. If I were God I don't think I'd chose either of these chumps to speak for me. If I were God I'd look down on this world and decide that it was in an even worse state than when Soddom and Gamorrah were at their height and just blow the whole thing up and start again! (Well, there's a thought - with all the glaciers melting, maybe "The Flood - Part II" is coming).   
How can it be that a man who was born 2,000+ years ago (into the Jewish religion of a vengeful God) lead us into a philosophy of "turning the other cheek" and "loving your fellow man" and that his father (the big G) was now a loving God? How is it that there has been more blood splilled and lives lost in wars begun for religious reasons than for any other reason?
I am not a communist but I believe that if there had been someone like Jesus in the world today he would be branded a socialist (and in the USA - thrown in jail, never to reappear). I'd agree with his thinking, but not as a religion. Wasn't it Karl Marx who said that "Religion is the opiate of the masses"?