The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3370   Message #17059
Posted By: Bruce O.
03-Dec-97 - 06:18 PM
Thread Name: it's not French, and it's not a song
Subject: RE: it's not French, and it's not a song
Well, Bert opened the door, some here's sme from the 17th century

BL MS Add. 30982 [Also in MS Sloane 1489. On Robert Carr and Penelope Rich, after her murder by poisoning of Sir Tho. Overbury. Shorter versions of this are more common.]

I C U R good monseir Carr about to fall
U R A K as most men say but yts not all [K=knave
U O Q P wt a nullitie that wicked parte
S X Y F whose wicked life will breake ye neck [Essex wife]
thou Carr so I fairest boast didn't trust
pride, envie, murther, wanton lust.

BL MS Sloane 1489

U R I C poore Canterbury In a tottering state
A P O P yt say you'le be But tis to eate
S C O T some say tis he Brings all to sight
U R I C in some gt fear yoe savers not white
A G R Y If he come nigh will have ye miter
H G? A D & all for me shall fail ye Sighter

BL MS Harl. 4955, Bodleian MS

If U 2 I as I to U am true
I must lie & I/U I in U