The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90082   Message #1706039
Posted By: Little Hawk
29-Mar-06 - 05:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: America's Most Distrusted Minority
Subject: RE: BS: America's Most Distrusted Minority
Everyone has a philosophy, Clinton, but stupid people (or emotionally constipated people) either don't realize they have one or they are unwilling to admit it or discuss it.

Your philosophy is the most vital thing about you, because it makes you who you are.

That's why I consider philosophy the greatest of all subjects, and that's why I talk about it. Religion, when it is intelligently applied religion rather than mere form and ritual, is philosophy about the most important things in life.

That which you believe in IS your philosophy, and it will make you either kind or cruel, helpful or harmful, useful or any given situation. Thus it is THE most important influence on putting food on the table or any other such practical matter.

The only person who has no philosophy is the person who is unconscious or dead. Those who refuse to discuss it are dead too, but in a different sense.