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Thread #90082   Message #1707031
Posted By: Little Hawk
30-Mar-06 - 07:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: America's Most Distrusted Minority
Subject: RE: BS: America's Most Distrusted Minority

"Once again, royals invented religion not politicians. Religion is a political tool used by royals to maintain their power."

Oh, they use it that way all right, but they didn't usually invent it in the first place. Sometimes, I'll grant...but not usually, in my opinion. They just enlarged it and wedded themselves to it, and then used it to enslave the populace very effectively.

"And where did you learn this?"

Oh, gosh! From a few hundred different sources, I'd say. Let's say I got a bit of it out of the Bible (maybe 20%), but most of it from a great many other much more modern and readable sources from all over the place (and none of them from specific organized churches). They're out there, if you would be inclined to look, but I rather doubt that you are. (grin) I mean, why would you, believing what you believe? It would be like me looking up books on Nascar or the NBA or something. People just don't look up stuff if they don't care about it.