The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90082   Message #1707060
Posted By: Little Hawk
30-Mar-06 - 07:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: America's Most Distrusted Minority
Subject: RE: BS: America's Most Distrusted Minority
"I'd have to say it is. (discrimination against women being Jesus' fault) He should have known what happens to women in religion. But he went ahead with it anyway. And before you say that Jesus did not intend to found a church read Matthew 16:18. He should have known what would happen."

He did the best he could in a society that was horribly oppressive to women. He stretched it to the practical limit possible at that time. There is much literature that suggests that Mary Magdalene had a far stronger position in the early church than is indicated in the Gospels (they were edited later). There is some indication that she may have been his WIFE! (and that he did, in fact, have a perfectly normal sex life) He was called "rabbi". You couldn't BE a rabbi then without being married, as far as I know. There were different factions among the followers of Jesus, you might say liberals and conservatives of their time. The conservatives won out bigtime in the end, with Rome's encouragement, and they put women right back in their the bottom.

It was in no way Jesus' fault, but in spite of him. He did what he could with a bunch of probably very stubborn people, and when he was gone they reverted back to type pretty quickly. That's what usually happens.

The Christian churches, historically, have mostly been a disgrace in the light of the teachings upon which they were founded, not least in the case of how they've treated women.