The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90082   Message #1707061
Posted By: Little Hawk
30-Mar-06 - 07:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: America's Most Distrusted Minority
Subject: RE: BS: America's Most Distrusted Minority
I look at both sides, Michelle. There are fundamentalist strains of religion (not just Christian either) that I find horrifying, and I say so. There are marvelous Christians around who exemplify Jesus' teachings, and I praise them for it.

I don't play by team colors. I will defend an atheist when he is honest and sensible, and I will defend a Christian when he is honest and sensible.

I am not talking out of both sides of my mouth, I'm being even-handed, and recognizing the good and bad on both sides of the divide.

This is so rare in people's rhetoric these days, I've noticed...because everyone expects you to be either all for one side or all for the other. Black hats and white hats. Good guys and bad guys.

It just ain't that simple.