The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89977   Message #1707562
Posted By: closet-folkie
31-Mar-06 - 10:23 AM
Thread Name: Bobert's New CD sells out on CD Baby...
Subject: RE: Bobert's New CD sells out on CD Baby...
Congrats Bob. There's something very satisfying about even having your music out there for sale, regardless of the numbers. I recently broke even on my first solo effort, which I consider a huge success considering I had no outside promotion help.
People often consider the sales of Indie artists paltry and even insignificant, which they may be in comparison to the major labels with huge promo budgets, but how many of the artists are getting more than a few pennies per CD sold? More importantly, how many of them break even on a release? I sell a few hundred and I'm in the black. Small time? Sure it is, but intensely rewarding at the same time. Not only that, I'm not worried about the label execs asking me where the single is.
Enjoy the journey, and the little victories Bob; sounds like you already are. I'm off for a listen right now. All the best then. Cheers, Steve R.

Steve Robinson