The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88558   Message #1708089
Posted By: George Papavgeris
01-Apr-06 - 06:16 AM
Thread Name: Album Launch: El Greko & his Los Marbles
Subject: RE: Album Launch: El Greko & his Los Marbles
As the theatre is a 100-seater, we are looking at a pretty full room for the night. I confirmed the bar opening at 6:30 or 6:45pm; the music for the interval is on CD to take along (some surprises there too - but saying no more); and I'm practicing furiously to get up to the level of Vicki and Jonny (who have been practicing for a month now and are amazing); Saskia needs no practice other than a run-through on the day anyway; Dan is running through Anytown downstairs as I write this - he is ready, but it will be his first public appearance so he wants to be note-perfect (and he is already); I am sure Terry will be his usual dazzler on the whistles, and Fleggy has run through Anytown several times with me at the club (and Angelo twice too). Chris & Jude I expect will be on form anyway, and Jeff will want to show off in front of his fiancee. It will be a cracker, if only we can fit 10 of us on the stage for the closing numbers!