The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82418   Message #1709125
Posted By: Naemanson
02-Apr-06 - 08:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Happily Ever After In Guam
Subject: RE: BS: Happily Ever After In Guam
Last Wednesday we took the carvings Wakana had painted to the Chamorro Village Market Night and showed them to Mr. Taitano. He is very excited about her work and wants her to do more of them. We visited his shop on Friday and he gave her five more to do. His only comment is that the colors need to be brighter. The water colors she used, especially the pink and the greens, did not show up very well on the dark wood, particularly after he applied the thick coating of finish to the pieces. She went out and bought some acrylics though there might be some form of paints that would provide brighter colors. The wood is very dark. Any suggestions from the artists in the group? Sandra? Charley, you want to ask your mother for us?

Remember that job interview I got for Wakana at the Japanese School? That interview was for teaching English. Last week the school called her begging her to come work for them as a Japanese Language Teacher! They appear to have had a shake-up at the school and some teachers have quit over a dispute. They need someone to come in on Saturdays to teach Japanese to the students. They쳌fll pay her double-time to work all day, eight periods, plus a weekly meeting at the school. They hired her sight unseen, on the basis of an interview for a different subject with people who are NOT part of this program. We met with the administrator and the other Japanese teacher at the Hotel Okura yesterday. Wakana was lukewarm to the idea at first because this effectively removes her from the canoe club. (We meet on Saturdays.) But she realizes how important this is to getting teaching jobs in the future so she will do it.

So, let쳌fs see, she is working at the Liberal Academy teaching Japanese to some adult students. She is still working at World Bridal but is down to two days a week. She starts at the Japanese School on Saturday. She쳌fll be painting for Robert Taitano whenever she can. Can someone pass me the box of chocolates? My favorite soap opera is coming on쳌c