The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90225   Message #1709232
Posted By: GUEST
02-Apr-06 - 10:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Condi go home
Subject: RE: BS: Condi go home
a href="">Official Condi Rice WH bio

In the early eighties Condi was the most prominent black conservative and a woman to boot. She has been nurtured by the conservatives and steered into positions of power as the only acceptable black conservative of the modern American world.

But she isn't lost yet. She really just wants to be a sports commissioner. My belief is that she is playing a part that ill-suits her true nature and we will eventually see the real Condeleeza Rice.

But it ain't as a black mouthpiece for white conservative male America. She will eventually see the light. It takes a while for people who are used by modern American machiavelian power mongers to become real. She reminds me of Sally Hemmings without the children. " My husband..."