The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90258   Message #1709233
Posted By: Charley Noble
02-Apr-06 - 10:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: X-File Worm removed from my finger...
Subject: RE: BS: X-File Worm removed from my finger...


Now when I was in the Peace Corps in Ethiopia, back in the Pliestocene, we heard about the hookworms. Some of them were yards long, and you were supposed to wind them out slowly a couple of feet a day without breaking them into two. If they broke in two, they died and bad things would happen inside your body...

There were also tape worms. We were told to beware of them. Avoid fresh salads and ingesting humus, or was it hommous?. But if we did ingest one, one strategy was to dangle a piece of salt pork down the throad with a string, and when the tape worm snapped at it, to haul him/her/it/them slowly out. There were also strategies for capturing the tapeworm via the neither orifice (the one down below) which because this is a family thread I will digress no further...


Good luck with whatever you are dealing with, and you may want to inject a shot or two of penicillen just to be on the safe side. We'd hate to lose you or find you transformed into something on the dark side...

Charley Noble