The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90286   Message #1709992
Posted By: ReubenHood
04-Apr-06 - 03:42 AM
Thread Name: Spirit Songs
Subject: Spirit Songs for Guitar Mass
I'm trying to gather songs on spiritual subjects, whether old or newish. Interested in anything from classics like "Palms of Victory" to more recent singer-songwriter classics like "Spirit Song" by Bill Staines or "May the Light of Love Be With You" by David Roth. Singability is desirable, but the main requirement is they have to move people. Particularly useful would be sources that include sheet music or publishing info for rights and permissions requests. Trying to collect enough to cull perhaps 100 or so for a collection to be used in a Christian folk service. Not interested in "Praise Music" or hymnal hymns -- unless they're little-known gems that deserve new attention. Also interested in establishing off-line contacts with musicians keeping alive the "folk mass" tradition. Thanks in advance.