The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87039   Message #1710233
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
04-Apr-06 - 11:27 AM
Thread Name: ShoreGrass Songs of the Civil War Era
Subject: RE: ShoreGrass Songs of the Civil War Era
Congratulations, Barbara: I just had my Gospel Messenger CD posted for the first time today, and already had a sale to a Mudcatter.

In looking for a new tenor for my group, I tell them that we are completely democratic. I split the losses four ways. Actually, it doesn't work that way. We all lost money in our own way. Joe loses money when he turns down an airport run to do a program in a nursing home without pay. Frankie loses money when he loses half a days work paving driveways and parking lots, and we all lose money everytime we drive to one another's house to practice, or to the many "bookings" we joyfully take where we don't get paid.

Selling the CDs is definitely small time, but it at least feels good to occasionally see a check coming in. Even if it ultimately doesn't cover the cost. Payments come in other ways..
