The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90298   Message #1710733
Posted By: Scoville
04-Apr-06 - 09:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: other people's negativity
Subject: RE: BS: other people's negativity
I have to confess I often email my best friend to bitch about my weird coworker, how much I hate my classes, now tired I am, and how I haven't had a social life in six years (all of which, I realize, is my fault/my responsibility). Then, I feel badly for unloading on her and try to look for funny things to send her.

She's very forgiving. She gives me pep talks and knows she's always welcome to dump on me in kind but she doesn't do it that often. She was always a happier disposition than I am, although we both went through some unhappy times (not in respect to each other--we've always gotten along fabulously) when we were younger and I don't think either of us has found anyone else who relates as well. I can literally tell her ANYTHING.

I don't expect her to fix it, though, and I don't go in for major personal catastrophes.