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Thread #73264   Message #1712258
Posted By: Arne
06-Apr-06 - 07:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: NON-Partisan political comments
Subject: RE: BS: NON-Partisan political comments

[Arne]: "Iraq complied with both these demands. In fact, as I've pointed out multiple times, Iraq's declaration was far more accurate ... and more timely ..."


Iraq announced their intention to comply before the deadline. See this:
Although Iraq was given until November 15 to accept the resolution, they agreed on November 13. Weapons inspectors, absent from Iraq since December 1998, returned later that month, led by Hans Blix of UNMOVIC and Mohamed ElBaradei of the IAEA.
As for the timely delivery of the declaration, put this in your pipe and smoke it. Better than that crack you're seemingly toking. Once again, turned over before the deadline (by a day).

See also this and this.

Now that you're shown to be a liar and/or an ignoramus, what have you to say, Brucie?

For the Iraqi timeliness and accuracy, we have the above links. What about the U.S.?:

The accuracy of the U.S. "intelligence"? ROFLMAO!!!!! That's a pretty sick joke by now (although Dubya seems to have thought it was a riot at the Gridiron Club). But here's what was said about it even before Dubya invaded:
So frustrated have the inspectors become that one source has referred to the U.S. intelligence they've been getting as "garbage after garbage after garbage." In fact, Phillips says the source used another cruder word.
The timeliness? Despite the UNSCR 1441 resolution provision requiring that any nation with relevant information turn such over to the UN inspectors, the U.S. stonewalled them as long as possible and only reluctantly turned over the "garbage after garbage after garbage". See here and here.

Your goose is cooked, Brucie. In fact, toast. Charred to a crisp.

[Arne]: "Why bother with the hijinks if the UN Security Council was behind him all the way?"

You have stated this: I never said the UN was behind him all the way. I said that they declared Saddam in non-compliance with 1441.

You've stated the latter (repeatedly). I've said that repeated assertion is hardly evidence, much less proof. The former is just my pithy way of characterising your claim that the U.N. found Saddam in contempt of UNSCR 1441 and thus had authorised "serious consequences" (i.e., militgary action) begin.

[Arne]: "Iraq did take this "final" chance and comply"

Nope, again.

*sheesh* See above.

Try showing me a statement where the UN declares that Saddam HAD complied.

Shifting the burden of proof, eh? No, I made no such assertion. It is your assertion that "they declared Saddam in non-compliance with 1441" that needs to be backed up with some kind of evidence. The "evidence" you have produced has been countered and completely rebutted by me (yet you ignore what I said and continue yapping your RNC "talking points" over and over like the good sock puppet you are).

And I say that for the googlth time. Maybe one of these days you will start to understand plain English and figure out what it means.
