The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90367   Message #1712517
Posted By: Bat Goddess
07-Apr-06 - 08:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Errol Flynn's willy and General Custer
Subject: RE: BS: Errol Flynn's willy and General Custer
Back in the mists of time (early 1970s) after watching a LOT of Errol Flynn on late night TV (back when I watched TV) and, of course, many viewings of "They Died With Their Boots On"), I wrote a parody of "Garyowen" --

"Instead of water we'll drink ale
And watch Errol Flynn and Alan Hale
And never til the cable fail
Will we get to bed before morning."

I also made an audio tape (Channel 6 could be gotten of radio) of the film -- mostly for the many renditions of "Garyowen".

If that tape is still in existance, my ex-husband has it.
