The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90250   Message #1713388
Posted By: Rockhen
08-Apr-06 - 06:45 PM
Thread Name: Market Rasen Folk Club Friday Apr 7th 06
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Friday Apr 7th 06
Sorry...I think this sounds a bit pretentious but,in my opinion...the day you think you have sung every song perfectly, and played every note exactly maybe the day you should take a deep breath and think why you are bothering. I love music, I love writing, playing and listening to it. In my view, it is more than just a mechanical performance or series of correctly executed notes at the correct time and volume etc. It is a wonderful medium of expression and can make those performing or listening, feel lifted or deeply moved by can make you cry with laughter or feel any one of 1000 other emotions.
It is a fantastic way of sharing time with others and I for one cannot imagine life without it...ok, so I am a bit of an addict and ever-so slightly obsessed with music and all that it goes with it...! Life can be great, terrible, tedious, beautiful and music, for me, is a way of responding to all that life throws at you good, bad or indifferent and sharing that response with others. A way of switching off from the hassles of everyday life in our times.
You are right, Villan, when you say, we work hard if we are performing, to produce hopefully our best efforts. If you are fortunate enough to be able to play well enough, or sing tunefully enough, share it with others and be grateful for the opportunities you have had and any skills you have been able to develop, as well as justly proud of the work you have put in practising to achieve whatever level you reach.
I know some musicians who turn their noses up at playing unless it is somewhere with sufficient 'status' or cash reward to make it appear worthwhile to them. OK, in theory, maybe it would be nice to be paid wads of dosh every time you played or met with adoring fans before and after every performance...most of us, like a bit of encouragement and recognition...but it is good to be able to get pleasure out of playing purely for the fun and friendship of the experience. I also know some musicians who rate others by the exams they have passed or musical qualifications plonked (haha) after their names. I think that is narrow-minded and, in itself, ignorant.
In this technological age, it would be easy for music making to become a thing which only happened in gadget-swamped studios...thank goodness for the 'Villans' of the world, LOL and all those who try to keep live music available to all.

Blooming heck what a load of old rubbish I've just written..and not touched a drop of red wine, honest! Thanks to all who put up with me talking rubbish as usual, especially those poor souls who actually manage to tolerate playing along and singing with me...LOL
Think I'm going to go off here and play that masterpiece, The Birdie Dance' to uplift me spiritually...