The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90403   Message #1713760
Posted By: Charley Noble
09-Apr-06 - 11:18 AM
Thread Name: happy? - Apr 8 (Died of masturbation)
Subject: RE: happy? - Apr 8 (Died of masturbation)
The "Ball of Kirriemuir," "The Gathering of the Clan," and many other names this bawdy song has gone by, there are probably hundreds of verses and variants and to credit any individual for a particular version would be a futile excercise. The version I'm familar with were sung at song parties in Brookhaven, Long Island, in the late 1950's.

Here's another limerick to spice up this thread which may be original:

There was a young man from Bombay
Who sailed to China one day,
Of the pox he did worry,
So he dabbed on some curry,
And for Ship Street his anchor did weigh!

Charley Noble