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Thread #89208   Message #1713808
Posted By: *daylia*
09-Apr-06 - 12:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: zodiac/star signs.. do you believe?
Subject: RE: BS: zodiac/star signs.. do you believe?
Bill, out of curiousity I finally looked up your chart at Astrodienst.

I'm not going into a full analysis here -- (I'm not a professional astrologer anyway) -- but I will say that the first thing that caught my eye was that powerful stellium (4 planets - Sun, Mercury, Uranus, and Venus) all in the sign of Taurus, in the 12th house. This house represents those areas of life which go beyond the individual personality. The boundaries between the conscious and the unconscious dissolve, as well as the boundaries between human beings.

Here's what one professional astrologer had to say about people with this placement --- (can't find that URL again, sorry)

"Charts with three or more planets in the 12th house, or one of the lights and an angular house ruler posited in this house, are frequently found among physicians, nurses, professors and others who work in hospitals or universities. A well-tenanted 12th house is also common among writers who must spend time alone working with their imagination and their mind, tuning into the muses. Very talented, very tragic people, like Judy Garland and Janis Joplin, and the notorious propagandist, Tokyo Rose, had many planets in their 12th houses.

Pierre Teillard de Chardin, a Jesuit priest and monk, achieved distinction in paleontology and geology. He was acclaimed for his scientific and genetic research, and wrote spiritually philosophical works. The title of one of the best known of these was "To Build the Earth." He had a stellium in Taurus, including the Sun and Moon in Gemini, all in the 12th house."

Professor Bill, you also have Moon in Gemini. Git yourself into more writing asap, mate!   ;-)

All those 12 house placements -- including your sun -- indicate, to me, a person whose inner life is largely subconscious. This placement often tells of very strong psychic abilities, and an attraction toward the occult - those "hidden" areas of knowledge and exploration. I'd say these abilities and attractions constitute your "shadow side" -- the less developed, less acceptable (to you), and largely unrecognized aspects of your own personality which fights for a valued place in your life at the same time as it disrupts your professional, logical, philosophical self-image most uncomfortably.   

THis could be why, as LH pointed out earlier, you often seem to be irresistably drawn into discussions re the occult and like subjects. You are driven subconsciously to understand and explore and develope these areas, for the sake of balance and personal growth -- but you consciously fear, resent and resist this. And so your contributions to such discussions are rooted more in emotion than in reason - hence your use of slant and propoganda.

Here's what Astrodienst has to say about those powerful 12th house placements:

Mercury was in the twelfth house at the time of birth. Psychologically you are continually trying to analyze others in order to find their motivation. A natural human researcher, you spend time projecting your interests and in faultfinding. It may be very desirable to reverse these tendencies and turn your mind's eye on your inner self. There are many good things about your mind; it is alert and subtle. It is very intellectual really, but you do have some talent for understanding the exotic. There is not much place in the world for your practical and efficient knowledge. This can lead you to anxiety, worry, self- depreciation, and an intense absence of self esteem. Feel more, think less, work harder."

Dunno about the self-esteem bit (I'm sure you do though!), but the rest of it sure sounds like the Bill we know and Love! Also, about Mercury in your chart: (Mercury symbolized the intellect and how you communicate with others)

"With Mercury conjunct Uranus, you are bright, articulate, curious, intuitive, and mentally courageous. You are excited by everything you observe and fascinated by anything different or unusual.

Truth is an important factor in your life. Consequently, science, philosophy, psychology, and sociology are fields in which you could succeed, since they deal with seeking answers to problems. "

Gee, doesn't sound like you at all, eh?   ;-} Your Mercury is conjunct Venus, too ....

"The conjunction of Mercury and Venus shows that you have an affable manner and social grace. You get along well with most people because you know when you should make compromises in order to maintain harmony. You know how to express your opinions skillfully so that no one feels threatened or intimidated by you, and you are resourceful in gathering information to document what you say.

You could find enjoyment in public speaking or the dramatic arts. Writing could also prove satisfying because you have a natural talent for expressing yourself well. Your imaginative style is fresh and charming and appeals to people who want to be entertained as well as informed"

I'd agree with most of that. You are a likeable person, Bill - except that you do have this self-defeating tendency to mislead yourself and others through use of logical fallacy (slant, propoganda), when you allow powerful and mostly subconscious emotions (ie fear, pride) to override your logical mind.

Saturn is conjunct that powerful 12th house stellium in Taurus as well - but it's in the 11th house, in Aries. According to Astrodienst --

" Psychologically, this [Saturn placement] denotes a rather hidden and limited view of your personal ambitions, your friendships, and of your future. You're very ambitious, cautious, just, patient, responsible, but perhaps, too serious.

You are strongly attached to your own point of view, and if challenged, you will fight very hard for your opinions. You are much more likely to fight for an ideal than for yourself. On one hand, you can be quite self-righteous and narrowly fanatical about your beliefs, but you can also be courageous in defending the rights of those who are downtrodden ... Try not to get so wrapped up in your own views that you won't even consider someone else's."

Fanatical? Hmmm ... sounds right. Kinda like Alice's tales of impending horror and woe. People are good at seeing only what they expect, only what they want to see, only what fits with their private view of the world, however incomplete or fallacious or biased that view may be. And this type of behaviour is a great example of Bill's trademark line - "first you draw the circle, then you shoot the dart".

Anyhoo -- I'm outta here for a bit. It's been fun ... and nice chart, Bill!