The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89208   Message #1713947
Posted By: Bill D
09-Apr-06 - 03:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: zodiac/star signs.. do you believe?
Subject: RE: BS: zodiac/star signs.. do you believe?
M.Ted...nope, the impulse to debate is not 'irresistable'...I avoid more of thse threads than I jump into. I even stayed away from THIS one for quite awhile...

A negative view? Meaning that I choose to point out places I consider weak reasoning or based on incorrect information? Gukity, I guess..*grin*...but if 'negative' refers to my basic attitude towards life, people or discussion in general...nope, I don't think so.

ummmm..*daylia*...sorry, but Nihilism is hardly part of 'modern scientific philosophy'...and Reductionism and Materialism are almost never used as basic tenets. They are mostly labels used by opponents of certain ideas to paint them as rigid, narrow viewpoints. Even if the opponents were correct, that does not make those views 'fallacies', it only suggests that they are simplistic.

And who do you say are 'drumming' such narrow concepts into our young one's heads? If I found any teacher doing this I would confront them just as assidiuosly as I confront you on certain ideas. I have had some pretty narrow teachers in my time, but never encountered one preaching THOSE gospels. YMMV