The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90450   Message #1714559
Posted By: Janie
10-Apr-06 - 11:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Our pre emptive nuclear strike
Subject: RE: BS: Our pre emptive nuclear strike
The report that I heard on "All Things Considered" yesterday was a bit more nuanced than the "Telegraph" link provided by Donuel. (For what its worth.)

I don't know who I was listening to on NPR yesterday evening--some one was being interviewed about this story. Perhaps some one else heard it can can supply names? According to the interviewee, the Bush administration is not planning to nuke Iran, but refuses to take that option off of the table as one possibility, and that is what Pentagon officials find so disturbing. (Yea for the Pentagon.)Apparently many in the Pentagon do not think it should even been considered an option, no matter how remote. Some Pentagon officials are considering resignation if it appears the option will begin to be viewed as feasible. The same interviewee opined that Bush is beginning a campaign to prepare the American people for an invasion of Iran--regardless of nuclear options.

Write your congressmen and women. Tell 'em to put the brakes on this mad administration.
