The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17555   Message #171507
Posted By: GUEST
01-Feb-00 - 12:42 AM
Thread Name: Help: Good modern folkies
Subject: RE: Help: Good modern folkies
Well, Here's a second endorsement for Larry Otway's band, Sorcha Dorcha. I heard him this weekend at the People's Music Network gathering in Queens, NYC, with just ONE of his bandmates, and they were great. Larry writes GREAT protest songs, as do many other contemporary songwriters, and others are keeping the old songs fresh and alive.

Other noted "Protest singers" who were among the many folks at the PMN gathering include Charlie King, Bev Grant, Faith Petric, Pete Seeger, Pat Humphries, Patricia Shih, Terry Kitchen, the Disabled in Action Singers, and Professor Louie.

Other members of PMN who were not in attendence at this winter's gathering include: Utah Phillips, Kim and Reggie Harris, Fred Small, Jane Sapp, Bob Blue, Priscilla Herdman, and Ruth Pelham.

Noteworthy non-PMN-member "protest singers" include Guy Carawan, Tracy Chapman, Alix Dobkin, Ronnie Gilbert, Magpie, Holly Near, Tom Paxton, Peggy Seeger, Sweet Honey in the Rock, and Chercy Wheeler.

Singing "Protest Songs" has not died out, it has spread into many areas besides anti-war songs, and civil right songs. Give a listen to some of the above and see.

For more info on the People's Music Network, which has 2 gatherings, winter and summer, each year, email Sarah Underhill at

Mary McCaffrey