The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23854   Message #1715152
Posted By: GUEST
11-Apr-06 - 10:21 AM
Thread Name: Lovin' Spoonful....again.
Subject: RE: Lovin' Spoonful....again.
6 years after the last posting and so I thought I would bring it back from the dead. The reason? I have just discovered them and think that they are truly wonderful. Wonderful songs with deceptively simple lyrics and catchy tunes that only a true pop genius like John Sebastian could come up with. Also a good singer and fine harmonica player. I rate him as high as Ray Davis, Brian Wilson, Lennon & McCartney, and Pete Townsend. I bought a greatest hits CD for Linving in the City and ended up loving the whole CD. I am now hunting down their entire backlog.

My only question: What is Jug Music?