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Thread #90450   Message #1715312
Posted By: Teribus
11-Apr-06 - 02:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Our pre emptive nuclear strike
Subject: RE: BS: Our pre emptive nuclear strike
Few points Kevin,

1. Iran cannot threaten the use of nuclear weapons against another nation due primaliy to the fact it hasn't got any YET. It certainly does have the means of delivering them.

2. Palestine is the geographical name of an area in the middle-east it is not a country, it never was. The Palestinians are as much a nation as "Londoners" are.

3. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad did say:
On his Election -
"Thanks to the blood of the martyrs, a new Islamic revolution has arisen and the Islamic revolution of 1384 (the current Iranian year) will, if God wills, cut off the roots of injustice in the world. The wave of the Islamic revolution will soon reach the entire world."

In his October 2005 speech opposing Zionism -
He agreed with a statement he attributed to Ayatollah Khomeini that the "occupying regime must be wiped off the map" and referred to Israel as a "disgraceful stain in the Islamic world".

These comments were condemned by major Western governments, the European Union, Russia, the United Nations Security Council and UN Secretary General Kofi Annan. Egyptian, Turkish and Palestinian leaders also expressed displeasure over Ahmadinejad's remark. I do not believe such condemnation would result if all these leaders and their advisors believed that the Iranian President was just talking about changing the names of places.

4. Iranian support for Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Hizbullah over the last 16 years is as well known as it has been documented. Their primary aim at the time being to derail any peace process.

5. Iran's Nuclear Programme:
"With each week that passes, Iran's ayatollahs move closer to their goal of building an atom bomb.

This is not misinformed propaganda pumped out by trigger-happy yahoos on the wilder fringes of America's Republican Party. This is the opinion of the dedicated teams of nuclear experts attached to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna, whose task it is to sift through the highly complex science surrounding Iran's nuclear programme and to provide a considered judgment to the UN Security Council on the Iranians' ultimate objectives.

During three years of painstaking negotiations with Iran, Mohamed ElBaradei, the Nobel peace laureate who heads the IAEA, went out of his way to play along with the charade that Iran's nuclear ambitions were entirely peaceful and designed to develop an indigenous nuclear power industry. This, after all, is a country with known oil reserves in excess of 90 billion barrels, more than enough to meet its energy needs well into the next century.

Mr ElBaradei was even prepared to accept at face value the Iranians' shame-faced admission that their failure to disclose the existence of their massive nuclear enrichment plant at Natanz was no more than a bureaucratic oversight.

When the inspectors were finally granted admission, they were dumb-founded to find themselves in a 250,000-acre complex containing two vast underground bomb-proof bunkers designed for enriching uranium to weapons grade.

Mr ElBaradei is now prepared to concede that the Iranians have run out of excuses, and Teheran has been given until April 29 to implement a total freeze on its nuclear enrichment activities at Natanz and its other key plants, or face the wrath of the Security Council.

At the same time the IAEA's nuclear specialists are working on a report that will be submitted to the UN on the same day, in which they will state explicitly their concerns about Iran's nuclear programme." (The West can't let Iran have the bomb - By Con Coughlin)

Now Kevin, exactly how do you build and equip a facility the size of Natanz and omit to mention it? The Nuclear NPT required it and Iran is a signatory of that Treaty. Completely peaceful and honourable intentions Kevin - every indication given so far screams out against that being the case.