The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86310   Message #1715624
Posted By: Beer
11-Apr-06 - 08:29 PM
Thread Name: When Did You First Hear John Prine??
Subject: RE: When Did You First Hear John Prine??
Came across this Radio Chat that was taking place with Rhodes Scholar Kris Kristofferson and he was asked the following:

Portland, Ore.: I understand that you might have had something to do with "discovering" Steve Goodman? Can you tell us the story and what your friendship with Steve ment to you?Maybe you'd remind the world what a great singer / songwriter he was.

Kris Kristofferson: Well I met Steve back at the Quiet Night in Chicago. I was sick and didn't feel like seeing the opening act. But my band was raving about him. He was like a little candle on stage. He introduced me to John Prine and it was magic. Paul Anka was there with us and offered them both a plane ticket to NY to talk about publishing. I was working at the Bitter End and John and Steve charmed everybody everywhere they went. People give me credit for discovering them, but it's like Columbus getting credit for discovering America. It was already there.