The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90352   Message #1716052
Posted By: Dave'sWife
12-Apr-06 - 08:30 AM
Thread Name: Generic viagra - advice
Subject: RE: Generic viagra - advice
Here in The United sates, all three manufacturers of ED drugs (Cialis, Viagra, Levitra) offer free Trial Prescriptions. If you only want to try the drugs out, you could get a free trial prescription for each one or just the one you want to try by going the the manufacterer's website and clicking on their latest offers.

I help eldery and financially challenged people get low-cost and no-cost name brand drugs through a variety of programs offered by the Big Pharma companies. My expertise is in USA offers though. Even so, I am sure ith a little effort, I could find you some links to offers in other countries if need be. PM me.

I would be happy to help ANY Mudcatter in need of a ANY brand name drug. The companies all use a variety of free promotional offers to try and reach potential patients and these offers can really help folks with no insurance or limited insurance. I recently helped a gal I know get a free month's supply of Prevacid (heartburn med) AND better yet, hook her up with a $20 rebate for her next RX.

Many brand name drugs also have Frequent Buyer plans. Viagra has one of these where every 7th RX is free. I'm sure Levitra and Cialis must have similar programs.

One more thing if in the USA - simply ASK your doc for free samples. My doctor gives me free samples of Imitrex every time I see him. He can't give the spray form away to anyone else, so I get them all. Most people prefer the pills or injections. When he opened his sample cupboard, I was amazed to see all that was there. He had a STACK a mile high of Viagra and Levitra.

If you have a good relationship with your doctor and he/she knows you are strapped for cash and/or that your Insurance doesn't cover brand names, they will often gladly give you samples if you ask and if the drug is appropriate for you. In addition, if you eventually do very well on the drug you ask for, you can let your doc know you'd appreciate them laying in a supply a samples for your future use. My Doc makes sure he asks the Glaxo Rep for a goodly number of Imitrex nasal Sprays now that he knows I need them and that they are not covered by my insurance. He also stocks up on various Birth Controll Pill brands for his patients who cannot get their insurance to cover those prescriptions.

It's something of a secret that most brand name drugs can be had for free here in the USA. If you truly are indigent, all companies have programs to give away brand name drugs to poorer or uncovered patients. There are ads on TV all the time for Con artists who will charge you to 'apply' for these programs. In fact, there are charities that will help you apply for free.

Serisouly, PM me if you need help getting samples, free trials, discounts or other info on brand name drugs in The USA. I'll be glad to point you to appropriate links and helpful groups that will NOT charge you.

To Guest Blue Boy - do ask your doc about Samples, free trial prescriptions and DO go to their wesbites for those drugs. if you need help, Sign-in as a member and PM me. I'll send you some links.