The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90501   Message #1716234
Posted By: Bee-dubya-ell
12-Apr-06 - 12:26 PM
Thread Name: Yamaha SV100K electric/silent violin
Subject: RE: Yamaha SV100K electric/silent violin
A friend with whom I play occasionally has one with which he is tremendously pleased. The times I've played with him have been outdoors with him playing through a small battery-powered amp yet the sound has stll been quite impressive. It would probably sound even better played through a top-quality amp.

I will temper my enthusiasm a bit, though, by pointing out that my friend does play primarilly jazz and swing, for which the SV is well-suited. He does play a handful of traditional tunes and there does seem to be something lacking where they're concerned. But, how much of that lack is due to the instrument and how much is due to the player just being a lot better at jazz than trad is unknowable.