The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90529   Message #1716845
Posted By: GUEST,Chongo Chimp
12-Apr-06 - 09:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: That's it! I'm outta here!
Subject: BS: That's it! I'm outta here!
Yeah, you heard me right. I am fed up to the gills and I am leaving. I've had all I can take. Enough is enough. I don't care what anyone says, either. You can beg and plead, you can get down on your knees, but I am leaving! And that's final.

Yup. I am just gonna walk out of this damn place once and for all, go downtown and have a stiff drink, and kiss this stinkin' place goodbye.

Ya wanna know why? Well, for starters, it's a friggin' mess here.   Disgusting. I wasn't brought up to be a damn housemaid, and I can't take it anymore. There's stuff layin' all over the place, cigar ash everywhere, it smells bad, it's a disaster.

Next thing is, the rent is too high. Way too high. Then there are the neighbours...a buncha loudmouth human bozos that hate chimps and got no respect. Then there's the view. It sucks. You wanna know what I see when I look out the window? A brick wall and a drainpipe. You wanna know what some jerk wrote on that wall? A lotta vulgar stuff, that's what. Somebody wrote on it "Chimps are living proof that gorillas f*ck abominable snowmen"!!! I think I know who that someone was and he is gonna pay. Bigtime.

It's time I got a new office anyway. I'm thinkin' of a nice loft that overlooks the lake. Or maybe a place closer to the park. I need a few trees to climb now and then.

Boy, am I sick of the same-old same-old around here.

So like I said, I'm outta here. I'm goin' to Roscoe's right now and have a cold one. Don't come lookin' for me cos I ain't home. Not after I hit the "submit message" button here. I'm leavin'. I'm exiting stage left. I'm gonna put my lips together and blow.

Consider me gone.