The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90547   Message #1717903
Posted By: hilda fish
14-Apr-06 - 02:03 AM
Thread Name: Is folk music selling out?
Subject: RE: Is folk music selling out?
Aren't navel gazers and wannabe's part of the rich and democratic tradition that is part of both folk and country? I love the navel gazers and wannabe's as much as I love the 'outstanding' and sublime music of the many older, younger and in the middle, the heard of and the unheard of. I love it that people will get up and have a go, often arrogantly, often humbly, often in sheer good humour, often sadly, often driven by grief, or love, often just dreadful, or sublime, or totally abysmal. I love the democracy of it all including the ability to be as judgemental as we bloody well like, or not, depending on mood, education, insecurity, ability, or not. I wouldn't like it all NOT to exist. That would be the worst of all. So let the navel gazers, the wannabe's, the perfectly dreadful, the derivative '70's clones, the 'not really proper folk' and the 'not really proper country' (by the way have you noticed how folk and country are becoming more and more side by side?) exist at least. Where would be without the myriad aspects of our music?