The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90555   Message #1718009
Posted By: Bunnahabhain
14-Apr-06 - 09:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: The need to win
Subject: RE: BS: The need to win
Our dance side takes part in two competitive festivals each year. We are up against the same other sides year after year, and at least half our dancers could equally well be dancing for another side there.

There is very little competitiveness. It's simply a chance to show how well you can do, and to steal other people's choregraphy. The competition is simply there to provide an excuse for a get-together of lots of dancers who are normally seperated by hundreds of miles, and for people to disagree with the judges, not about where their team came, but rather wondering why X won, and not Y.

The post competition ball is also fairly amazing, with 200 or so very good dancers filling the room. It's nice, being able to just get up for any dance without thinking about, as even if you have never heard of it, half your set could dance it blindfold.

I like happy blokes' comments too.