The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90559   Message #1718399
Posted By: GUEST,old soldier
14-Apr-06 - 07:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Terrorism, biowarfare and dirty bombs
Subject: RE: BS: Terrorism, biowarfare and dirty bombs
wHAT GUEST AR 282 SAID IS CORRECT. read any of the following Plague Wars by Goldberg, The killing factory, by Parker, The secret life of Germs tierino, Biological weapons- Lederberg, The Comming Plague Garrett, The Killing winds-McDermott,, A higer form of Killing Harras and Paxman Germs- Mille, The Biology of Doom-Regis,,
Biohazard, Ken Alibek
Alibek was the head of Biopreparat the Russian biological warfare program before he defected to the US. They had weaponised Ebola, and Marburg virus w/ smallpox.   One of the problems was that once a vector was infected there was no way of stopping the spread around the world. We were also involved in this type of research starting back in the late 1940's