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Thread #90559   Message #1718747
Posted By: GUEST,AR282
15-Apr-06 - 11:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Terrorism, biowarfare and dirty bombs
Subject: RE: BS: Terrorism, biowarfare and dirty bombs
>>Seriously as this is as a potential problem, did you have to tell them how to do it?<<

A terrorist already knows this. I'm sure he knows a hell of a lot more than I do about it. For instance, I never mentioned that you need to test your slurry on test animals to make sure it is deadly enough for your purposes--things like that--but, again, terrorists and kooks already know that they have to do this.

What the public needs to be aware of is how easy it is to do this. If they are made aware of the terribly vulnerable condition we are in, funding for measures to at least minimize it will never be considered important enough to justify. Bush certainly won't spend it if he doesn't have to since his war is slowly bankrupting us as it is.

Plum Island gives us an idea of what could happen since it appears that agents have escaped from the island through Lab 257's crumbling safetly system. Dutch duck plague was never before seen in the U.S. for example before the late 60s. Suddenly, there it was on Long Island which is just a couple miles from Plum Island and it completely wiped out a once thriving duck farm industry on Long Island--in fact, Long Island had been fairlyfamous for its duck farms. The evidence indicates the disease was transported to Plum Island where it got loose or got loose en route two Plum Island (Carroll has two true cases where a researcher carried highly lethal agents to the island in a little package he carried with him and accidentally LEFT IT AT THE PIER when he boarded the ferry to Plum Island and made the skipper turn around so he could retrieve it and luckily it was still there. Then there was the package of agents that were washed overboard from the ferry during violent seas AND WAS NEVER RECOVERED.). Let us remember that Plum Island (officially part of the USDA but always really under Army auspices but now part of DHS) handled some of the most virulent agents to be found anywhere in the world no differently than Fort Detrick and had them stored in a freezer that once thawed during a hurricane that blew out the overhead lines (the Island officials never considered an underground emergency cable necessary).

Plum Island is so rundown it does not have any security to speak of and could easily be a place for terrorists to obtain samples or to take hostage. One major terrorist suspect caught in Pakistan had a complete layout of Plum Island in his possession (it also still has an active laboratory on it, Building 101).

Just blowing up a building on the island could do it. If agents are exposed, air currents, birds, ticks, fleas, deer, mosquitoes and other vector animals would spread it to the mainland before anything could be done about it.

So terrorists already know the damage they can do but the public does not. The first several reponses I received on this thread demonstrates how unaware, unbelieving and ignorant the public is of this type of terrorist attack. AND IT IS THE EASIEST TYPE OF ATTACK TO BRING ABOUT MASS DEATH. No matter what Bush says, he is not keep ing us safe from attack. As bin Laden said on one of his tapes, there has been no new attack on the U.S. solely because no one is currently carrying one out. I believe him a lot more than I do Bush.