The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90559   Message #1718825
Posted By: GUEST,AR282
15-Apr-06 - 12:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Terrorism, biowarfare and dirty bombs
Subject: RE: BS: Terrorism, biowarfare and dirty bombs
You're applying logic to something illogical. Simply pronouncing biowarfare stupid and suicidal will not only NOT deter someone hellbent on doing it, it might even encourage them.

While Mideast terrorists concern me, I'm far more concerned about the American citizen who does this. They're hard to spot because they are normally white men that no one suspects or doesn't fit a criminal profile. Frequently these people don't care if they survive or not and oftimes do not intend to survive.

A prime example was Andrew Kehoe of the Bath School Disaster of May 18, 1927. A consolidated school was built in the town of Bath, Michigan near Lansing. It caused property taxes to go up but people figured it was worth it because of the benefits to the children of Bath. Andrew Kehoe, however, felt that he was being harder hit than most people and fought to get the taxes reduced but failed. He was installed on the Bath school administration and also acted as a sort of caretaker/janitor as well. He had access to the entire school and was there all the time so no one ever questioned his presence.

On May 18, 1927, Andrew Kehoe murdered his wife and set her body ablaze. He set fire to his farm. He girded all the trees on his property, he tied up his farm animals so that they could not run away and set the barn on fire.

As people poured into the street at noon seeing the smoke from the blaze, the town of Bath was rocked by a tremendous explosion. Half the school had just been blown to bits with classes in session. As people ran to the school to set up a search & rescue operation, Andrew Kehoe pulled up in his model T. He had loaded the trunk with all kinds of scrap metal--links of chain, bearings, pieces of farm implements, bullets. He had a couple of hundred pounds of dynamite and pyrotol in the back seat and a rifle next to him. He parked amidst the frantic and panicked crowd, picked up the rifle and fired into the explosive. The resulting explosion killed nearly everyone standing there. The metal pieces dismembered victims including survivors maimed for the rest of the lives. Some children were cruelly killed in the explosion having just crawled from the wreckage of the school. One house was pierced with so many holes from metal fragments that it had to be knocked down. In all, some 45 people died--most of them children from about 6-12.

Police went into the basement of the school and found another 500 lbs of explosive and 8 blasting caps. Why this material failed to detonate is not known but it likely would have destroyed the town of Bath if it had. The school had been rigged with hundreds of pouonds of dynamite and pyrotol and the basement. Kehoe must have been transporting it in bit by bit for at least a year and keeping it well hidden. He set it off with an alarm clock set for noon.

Why did he do it? We'll never really know. Apparently the tax increase had caused a foreclosure on his mortgage. Yet, he was such a bad farmer and his wife so ill with TB and practically lived at the hospital that it seems unlikely the taxes were the cause of his problems. Moreover, the Kehoe farm was crowded with all kinds of expensive fancy farm machinery Kehoe had bought but never used (he wanted literally to not break a sweat when he worked because he couldn't tolerate wearing even a slighly dirty shirt according to all who knew him and when the new machine failed to free him from the tyranny of toiling for a living, he would stop using it and just let the crop sit unharvested). If Kehoe had sold off this unused equipment, he could have easily paid his mortgage and had plenty left over to stick in the bank or in a mattress. So it wasn't money. In fact, $300 cash was found in a box next to his wife's charred corpse.

Stuck on the fence at the burned out farm was a message that read, "Criminals are made not born."

So what made a man decide to murder an entire town including himself? We'll never really know. But there are many Andrew Kehoes out there right now and they aren't going to be satisfied to dynamite a small farming community. They want to wreak havoc on the whole state, the whole country, the whote world for the terrible wrongs done them--and they have no intention of survivng themselves or don't care if they don't. There are more people like that than we think and one of them soemday is going to pull something like Andrew Kehoe except he's going to do it with germs and viruses. And god help us if he's a farmer.