The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90367   Message #1718863
Posted By: Little Hawk
15-Apr-06 - 01:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Errol Flynn's willy and General Custer
Subject: RE: BS: Errol Flynn's willy and General Custer
LOL! What fun to read all those ad hominem attacks on Teribus again. Thank you for copying and pasting them, Teribus. I stand by most of mine, but I guess I should really not have said I "detest" you. That was insensitive. I admit that there are moments when I detest you, but mostly I am just irritated by you, so pardon me for having gone a bit too far that time.

By the way, I also mentioned that you could "bore the balls off a buffalo" somewhere back there...and I think it's worth being included on your list.

Foolestroupe's example of the similarity between your behaviour and that of Shambles' is right on the mark. You should print it out and attach it to your monitor as a reminder.