The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90367 Message #1719264
Posted By: Teribus
15-Apr-06 - 08:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Errol Flynn's willy and General Custer
Subject: RE: BS: Errol Flynn's willy and General Custer
Your Horses Metchosin and Rapaire - in Spain they would not have lasted one month. Now ask yourself the question, and I don't give a damn if you answer it her on this forum. Why was the wealth of a man counted by the number of horses he had? - Because he needed them. They had fuck all stamina, the Indian brave had to change horses many many times provided he had them, that is why the number was so important.
Now remember that they carried only a fraction of the weight a troopers horse would carry - for a troop of cavalry how many remounts used to accompany a cavalry patrol. Hint None.
Left to eat the grass he does Metchosin your horse would be blown in one day if you actually put him to work.
My last word on this thread goes to Metchosin, Stilly River Sage and to Little Hawk, who have proved that they are entirely incapable of carrying on a conversation outwith fawning sycophancy - the lot of you can go fuck yourselves. You are without doubt the most pig ignorant bunch of bastards that I have ever had the misfortune to come across.