The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17612   Message #171970
Posted By: Bill D
01-Feb-00 - 09:47 PM
Thread Name: Getting fed up with 'guests'
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
and if one is paranoid about cookies, I recommend one of several programs which allow YOU to set rules about which cookies..(and java & javascript..and more) that YOU allow!. I am using something called "AtGuard"..but it has been sold to Norton Utilites, you can find Norton's version at their site...there is also "BlackIce"...but I have not used it...and any number of others. (Oh, the javascript option in the cookie-masher programs stops those 'pop-up' windows on sites like GeoCities, too! Well worth looking at!)...the cookie-eating programs come in a variety of flavors, so look & decide...and I'm sure there a couple of freeware examples out there. It is good to have a good store of bookmarks to freeware sites--you can get a lot of neat stuff that way...